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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Making Money with AdSense 3rd Edition By Joel Comm

When I came out with "What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense" in January 2005, I never imagined that it would become so popular. Since that time, I have released a second edition, several other ebooks, a member site, a telecourse series and find myself booked for multiple speaking engagements. Life is funny…
Today marks another milestone for me as I am pleased to announce the revised and expanded third edition of my AdSense ebook, known also by it's shorter (and easier to say) name, Google AdSense Secrets.
The 199-page third edtion is absolutely packed with AdSense goodness! It features the latest AdSense updates that deal with issues such as smart pricing and section targeting. It contains extended chapters on getting traffic to your site and how to get started with AdSense. And I've included even more case studies to provide real-life examples of AdSense done properly. The goal is to help my readers pick more money off the Google tree. And it seems to be working.

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